The Most Beautiful Floating Cities from Around the World


There’s something special to be said about a city built around water. When cars are traded for boats and pavement for canals, a certain magical air inhabits the space and visitors flock to witness it. The world is full of unique landmarks and sites to see, but these floating cities rise above the rest in their ability to deliver a particular, one-of-the-kind experience for tourists and locals alike.

Below we’ll review the most beautiful, glistening waterways that can be found in the midst of bustling cities.

Venice, Italy

When one thinks of “floating cities” it’s impossible not to recall the popular Italian destination of Venice. Its canals are world-famous, encompassing a grand total of 150, each different and uniquely their own.

Perhaps the best way to get around here is by using something called a vaporetto boat, which easily transports people wherever they need to go. While you’re paddling along, you’ll be able to see beautiful landmarks such as the Doge’s Palace, the impressive Basilica of St. Mary, and even the Casino di Venezia, the world’s oldest that opened its doors in 1638. Each of these gorgeous structures sit right on the water so visitors can see the sights in the most unique way possible.

While there may be more appealing canal cities on the list, there’s truly no other city quite like Venice.

Stockholm, Sweden

The capital of Sweden is another European gem that contains over 50 bridges and thousands of islands, making it the largest archipelago in the country. As with Venice, the most efficient way to experience a day in Stockholm is by boat, wandering through the waterways with a local tour guide.

Because the city is known for its greenery, there are beautiful parks and signs of nature at every turn and wildlife can be seen in the clear water and on land. You really can’t find scenery more picturesque.

Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok may be known for its touristic, busy city center, but it’s also a huge canal site. You may be surprised to find out that over 1,680 of them can be found in the city, earning Bangkok the nickname “Venice of the East” alongside other cities in India and Asia. It’s impressive display of water also has a title: Klongs. This canal system is a major part of city life as residents use it to get to work, school, and other places.

For tourists, sightseeing is best accomplished while floating, traveling under bridges and through bustling markets and shops. While you’re making your way on the water, you can also embrace the culture by trying some mouthwatering Thai cuisine packed with flavor.

Bangkok, Thailand

Cape Coral, Florida

The states also have their own presentation of canal beauty to share with the world. Namely in Cape Coral, Florida, America’s most impressive floating city. Here visitors can see 400 miles of water where personal boats rest on docks outside of people’s homes. Aside from just the waterway, this sunshine state city boasts a variety of gorgeous white sand beaches and prestigious golf courses.

Tigre, Argentina

An underrated Argentinian city compared to Buenos Aires, Tigre is a town located just north of the country’s capital, and is famous for its abundance of canals and rowing clubs. Visitors can float along the pristine water of the Paraná and enjoy a beautiful display of nature as they marvel at the large Argentinian style homes that line the river.

Boats called lanchas make touring the area convenient and comfortable, and you can choose to stop near small islands of the delta to see more. You’ll find that low-hanging trees and gorgeous birds hang in the air all around you. Only a 45-minute train ride from Buenos Aires, Tigre is a great option for a relaxing day outside the bustling city.




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