Taking Care of Your Feet While Traveling


Most of us love traveling, and it is one of the activities that we do outdoors that truly feels gratifying, especially if we are finally able to take a vacation after months or years of working at the office or studying in school. Do you want to know where is the trusted podiatry clinic near you? Please check our site.

While traveling surely feels relaxing and exciting for our minds, the same can’t be said about our feet, which are usually the ones who experience the most pain out of all when we walk or run for hours during a tour. The pain that we feel on our feet will most likely get worse if we are walking on uneven ground or rocky terrain, as they are struggling to keep our body balanced when we are moving.

Luckily, there are many ways to remedy or prevent foot pain from occurring, and here are some of the best methods to stop the pain from taking the fun out of your travels.

Wear Well-Fitted and Comfortable Shoes

One of the biggest mistakes that people do when they are traveling is that they would prioritize wearing stylish shoes rather than comfortable ones to look better in photos or videos that they send to their loved or post on social media.

While they may seem to enjoy the travel in those photos or videos, some of those people are probably experiencing immense pain and discomfort on their feet while taking them. Walking would seem like torture if you continue wearing uncomfortable shoes during your travels.

It is recommended that you should wear well-fitted and comfortable shoes to reduce the pain that your feet feel whenever you are walking or running in a foreign location. Try wearing running shoes, as they would provide extra cushion for your feet, but make sure that they are the correct size for you since wearing shoes that are too tight or too loose can cause blisters and calluses to appear on your feet.

If you are going to buy new shoes that you can use for traveling, you should break them in first to soften the materials by walking or running around the neighborhood or by wearing it while going to other places near your home.

Apply Soft Bandages and Foot Balms

Wearing comfortable shoes is not enough to prevent foot blisters and calluses, as they would still be able to produce friction between your feet and their insoles, and this friction is what mostly causes the said conditions from happening.

Before you start your trip, you should apply soft bandages that are specially made to cover hot spots where blisters usually occur. The usual hot spots on your feet are the heels and the sides of your toes.

You should also apply foot balms to reduce friction on the other parts of your feet beside the hot spots. Here are some of the most used products for blister prevention and treatment:

It is better that you apply a balm hours before you wear your shoes to enhance their effectiveness. The balm would most likely wear off faster if you are wearing shoes immediately as the skin of your feet has not absorbed the mixture properly.

Wear Dry Socks

wearing dry socks in a forest

It is common practice to bring plenty of socks while traveling, but some of us are likely to only use one during a long trip with no planned rest. The pair of socks you are wearing is probably full of sweat, and that would often cause severe blistering that can get infected since bacteria and other pathogens like living in moisture-filled areas.

You should always keep your feet dry by regularly changing socks. If you are unable to go to a hotel room to change socks or clothes, then you can just go to a restroom to change the pair on your feet. Also, you should avoid wearing socks that you have previously worn during your trip, as bacteria may still be present in those pairs.

If there is a situation or an event where you can relax before starting to walk on the tour, you can change to your slippers or sandals so that your feet can breathe for a bit. Wearing closed shoes all the time while on vacation often causes sweat buildup, especially in hot and humid locations, so it is best if you can wear open shoes or go barefoot to prevent this from happening.

Traveling is fun, but sometimes it is not if you are unprepared in situations that you can actually control like foot pain prevention and treatment. Make sure that you are wearing comfortable shoes and dry socks while traveling, and you should always carry products to treat blisters and other minor foot conditions if ever they occur.


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