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How to wash your Workout Activewear when you are Travelling

How to wash your Workout Activewear when you are Travelling


When you are travelling and you have your workout activewear to wash and dry ready for the next day, things can get a bit tricky unless you go prepared! Here are some great tips on how to wash activewear as you travel, whether you are going on a running or cycling holiday, are doing some hiking around the world, or just want your favourite activewear for the hotel gym while you are away.

Tips for any occasion!

  1. Some hotels offer a laundry service so use it! It would not cost much to have one set of activewear cleaned while you use your spare.
  2. Use a sink, bucket of water or bathtub. Fill with water and either use some travel laundry soap you have taken for this purpose or just use the soap that you use on yourself or that is supplied in your room. Make sure you rinse them well, you do not want dry soap on them when you wash activewear and hang in the room.
  3. Take with you some wire to turn into a line to hang the clothing from, some pegs or take some wire hangers with you. Some countries do not have a way to block the sink hole so a spare plug is good too!
  4. Get in your shower after a workout or run with your clothes on, soap them up on your body, rinse well, then squeeze out as much water as you can and hang.
  5. Put them in the shower stall on the floor and shower over them, using your feet to rub in soap and then rinse.
  6. Another place you can hang them to dry is over where you can see the ducted aircon system!
  7. Use activewear that is light and made from manmade fibres as it does not absorb all that sweat as much and it is a lot quicker to dry.
  8. Look up laundrette type options for each region you are going to be in so you can do your washing before you move on.
  9. Dark clothing can be sponge washed or use a dark washcloth to dab at the worst areas.
  10. To minimise the smell of activewear as you travel if you have not had a chance to wash them, pack some scented dryer sheets and keep one with the smelly clothes. Have them in a separate bag so they do not contaminate your other clothes!
  11. Another great tip to wash activewear when travelling if you do the AirBnB thing is to choose AirBnBs that have a washer/dryer in the accommodation.
  12. If you cannot use a sink to leave something to soak in, try the plastic bin.
  13. Hard laundry soap is great to rub into specific areas that get nasty and smelly.
  14. If you are enjoying the outdoors and there is no stream nearby, consider saving some water and having a larger Ziploc bag with you that you can use. Put some soap in, sip it up, agitate, and repeat until clean and rinsed.
  15. Avoid hanging damp activewear in a damp used bathroom. Use the fan in the room, hang in front of the window or as mentioned the ducted aircon system.

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